There is a work day for the Club Rendezvous on 01-31-09 (9AM-2PM a full day)

and 02-07-09 (9AM-12 PM a half day).


January JLR Meeting






NEXT MEETING is 02-05-09 at the shoot site with dinner ($3) at 6:30 and meeting at 7 PM.


NEXT SHOOT is 02-08-09 at the range.  Lunch and events are $3.


BEAU TURNER YOUTH CONSERVATION CENTER PLANNING SESSION is on January 29, 2009 at 7 PM for the planning session with social at 5:30 PM and dinner is at 6 PM.  There Youth Day should be early March 2009. 






SOUTHEASTERN PRIMITIVE RENDEZVOUS is March 27 to April 4, 2009 and early setup starts on March 25, 2009.


NORTHEASTERN PRIMITIVE RENDEZVOUS is July 11-18, 2009 in Newark Valley.


MIDWEST PRIMITIVE REDNEZVOUS is July 18-25, 2009 at Palymyra, MO.









MEETING 01-08-09


Roger called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.


Roger asked for the minutes to be accepted, and Dave motioned minutes be accepted and Nancy seconded.  The ayes were unanimous.


Roll Call: Charlie, Pat, Jan, Bill, Rita, William, Bob, Vivian, Nancy, Ron, Roger, and Dave A.


President’s report – Bob said Dave’s I father had a stroke and he could not be at the meeting.    


Vice President’s report –  Roger said not many came.  Dave I won smooth bore.  Gary won rifle, and Nancy won women’s rifle.  Roger took archery and hawk and knife. 


Secretary’s report – Microsoft Works has a basic data base and it does not format for an attractive print out, but it is efficient and every one can translate to their software.  Microsoft Word had the flexibility to look nice, but by the time all the options and formatting macros were used, it would be about as flexible as Dave A Word Perfect program.  Ron said he would probably use Works, but would look around a little.



Treasure’s report – A check for $40 for the website for 3 years was made out to his wife Sarah, as she paid the website bill.  We had $155 deposits from membership dues.  Patty was given $1362 for the archery target order.  Pat said that would be a little less when the members who ordered some targets paid for them.  The balance is $2644.14 and dues are coming, so we are in good shape.  The dues are $35 for a member or family and are paid at the Club Rendezvous.  The club newsletter is coming out as soon as the articles come in.   Since there are no paper copies, email, costs are low.





Bob was speaking for himself, Dave I, Deni, and Gary in that the Southeastern Rendezvous was coming shortly and all four needed their range certification.  Dave A said that would be done, but Bob needed to join NMLRF to get a range certification.  Bob said he would do that.


John is not here to talk about the Beau Turner Youth Day.  Bob would go to the meeting/dinner on 01-29-09 about the Youth Day date.  Ron would also go, and said the Youth Day was in the first week of March.  Bob went on to say that we had gotten 2 boxes lead balls for .490 and .440 and .430 and 1 box for .390 and a box of lead shot.   William said we still had club lead balls to sell, and Jan confirmed he still some to sell.  He believed he had $105 in storage.  As far as what support we would get from FFWCC, John has that information, and he is not here.  Charlie said we should just get a bag of #8 shot. 


Work days for the Club Rendezvous were discussed.   The first is on 01-31-08, Saturday, the whole day from 9 AM to afternoon, about 2 PM.  Patty said the tasks that needed to be accomplished, are getting the benches and tables repaired and ready, clean the water tank and get it ready, and fetch the targets from the river bottom to set else where as the river is still high in the bottoms.  Other tasks to be done are mowing the parking area, and getting the club fly out for the Rendezvous.  The second work day is 02-07-09 from 9AM for a half work day to finish what has not been accomplished previously.  Roger and William can get the water tank and line ready.


Pat went over the Blue Jacket Match.  We had accomplished everything as far and the shingle and medallions.  We can make the plaques with the help of Jan and Dave I.  As far as the powder horn, that will be up to NRLHF to purchase if they wish.  The first is ready for the Southeastern Rendezvous, and rest need to given to NRLHF by July.  Rita said it can be given to the delegates going to the respective rendezvous.


Leasing Cheryl Gibbons’ property was also brought up.  Bob said we need to have William check the property for development possibilities.  Someone needs to show William the location of the property.  Bob, Pat, Cathy, and Ken know where it is, but we will need to have Cheryl’s brother take us there.  The property needs to be examined as soon as we can.  William said as ready to go.





Charlie wished to nominate a new member and waive the requirement for 2 club events in order to be a member.  Jennifer Eddie has been to 4 Rendezvous, and is the other Midwest Delegate.  She is most famous for saying that, after carrying two cases of light beer, it was not light beer.  Charlie motioned that her membership have the 2 events waived, and Rita seconded.  The vote was unanimously aye, except Bob voting nay for the absent John the Loud.  David A motioned that the membership be accepted upon payment of dues and application, and Jan seconded.  The ayes were unanimous.  Pat said she would see her at the Alafai Rendezvous. 


Nancy said Clint Oaks past away after an accident where he hit a tree avoiding a deer on the road.  He will be missed.


Bob motioned to end the meeting and Jan seconded.  The ayes were unanimous at 7:45 PM


