January JLR Meeting





NEXT MEETING is 02-07-08.


RENDEZVOUS is from 02-14-08 to 02-17-08 at Grey Fox Farm.


MEETING AFTER is 03-06-08


NEXT SHOOT is 03-09-08


SOUTHEASTERN RENDEZVOUS is March 29th to April 6th 2008 at Blackwater Park – Jasper, Alabama



MEETING 01-03-08


David I called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM


Roll Call:  Present were John Cole, Ken Morris, William Wilson, Charlie Powell, Pat Powell, Gary Tehan, Nancy Ayotte, Jan Winas, Vickie Prior, Robert Prior, Dave Ikenberry, Dave Anderson, and Ron Dod.   Terry came at 7:25 PM


Dave I motioned to accept the minutes, was seconded by Ron, and the ayes were unanimous.


Dave I stated that some of the Board of Directors terms had expired and the Jefferson Longrifles needed new Board members.  Duane and Deni were to come off.  John and Pat offered to served, were motioned and seconded and confirmed with all ayes.  The current Board are Ken, Pat, John, and William plus the officers.




President’s report -  Nothing to report


Vice President’s report for Charley’s shooting report –


The year starts over, and as per last year there will 5 finalists per each category, rifle, smooth bore, archery, and hawk and knife.


Last year championships are Gary for rifle, David A for smoothbore, Roger for archery, and Dave Ikenberry for Hawk and knife.


Treasure’s report – William Brooks and Pete paid $45 dues.  There is $2220.92 in the account now.  Insurance was paid in 10-07.  The club rendezvous is Febraury 14, 15, and 16, 2008.


Jan stated that Dave did a good job with the news letter, and Jan will take copies to Alafai.  Dave continued that Edgar was having back problems and was having surgery.   Dan Hutchinson had died from the treatment for his cancer, and we should do something for Dan’s memory.  Jan motioned that we have the archery prize be named after Dan.  Dave I stated that the plaque for 1st in archery should be in his name.


Secretary’s report – I put a statement in the Democrat Guestbook for their epitaph section.  Charlie stated we should donate money in Dan’s name to the scouts.  After discussing the matter, the club decided to donate the $100 to a troop doing recreating the most, Troop 105, in Dan’s name.  The motion was made by Charlie and seconded by John.  It was passed unanimously. Charlie will send a note to Linda informing her of the matter.


The St Marks Wildlife Heritage Day was again brought up.  Lori had said that shooting lead was being considered.  I mentioned that that really means no. The club almost unanimously said they would not go.  I said I would go as I had given my word with who ever else would show. 




Rendezvous - Roger said the sheds needed finishing.  There was plenty of fire wood.  The targets needed to be gotten ready for the woods walk.  John said he would bring the clays to shoot at as we have a thrower.  There will be an auction, and we need contributions.  Deni will run the auction.  The Club Rendezvous will be $15 per adult, raffle included, 12-16 year olds are $5, no raffle, and under 12 are free.   The days of the Rendezvous activities will be the 14th, 15th, and 16th of February.  On Valentine’s Day 02-14-08 shooting and activities are in the afternoon only.  Dave I and William mentioned that we needed fill in the holes.  Terry motioned and I seconded that the work day be in the morning of the shoot day, 01-13-08, and the ayes were unanimous. 




None was given.


Dave A stated Steve Schreiner was running for candidate at large for NRLHF and should be considered.  He is a good man and dedicated to helping NRLHF grow.   Nancy also needs a bed for the Club Rendezvous. 


Dave I said it was time to adjourn and Roger motioned, Ron seconded, and the ayes were unanimous. 


Cleanup – Roger.