JLR Minutes May 4, 2006


 Meeting called to order by President, Dave Ikenberry

 Members Present: Jackie and Johnny Schaffer, Edgar and Jeannie Chatlin, William Wilson, Jan Wynans, Dwayne Ashe, Kenneth and Cathy Morris, David Ikenberry, Jim Denbleyker, Dave Anderson, Roger Witt, Patty Powell, John Cole, and Terry Healy.

 Clean Up: Roger Witt

 Visitor: Pam Bradley

 President: No Report

 Vice President: No Report

 Treasurer: Dave reported that the powder was in, the insurance had been paid and he had filed with the Sec of State.

  Checks written: MNLRA $50
                Balance $1210.66.

  Powder to be distributed after the meeting at $10 per can.

            Dave is wanting to get a newsletter out.  Patty has written an article and he would like others to submit articles.  Dave I. will submit a rendezvous article.  Please get articles to Dave as soon as possible.

 Secretary Report: Patty has worked hard in updating our club member roster.  Please help her keep it up to date by emailing her changes. 

 Shoot Report: Deni not present with shoot report.


 RENDEZVOUS 2007: No report.

 BOARD MEMBER ISSUE: The list of old board members still could not be located. 

 Four members were elected to fill these positions:

 Jackie S., Deni B., William W., and Kenneth M..

 It was noted that there was not Parliamentarian.  After discussion Jackie S. was elected to fill this position.  This left a vacancy on the Board.  Dwayne A. was nominated and approved to fill this position.
2006 Board Members: Dwayne A., Deni B., Kenneth M., and William W.



 RAFFLE TICKETS:Dave I. reported that the Board bought raffle tickets from the NMLRA Youth.  If there are any winnings from the tickets they will be placed in our prize pool for rendezvous., etc.

Jackie Shaffer reported that the board of directors suggest that we move the corporate end of year and vote for officers to the month of December, the vote was seconded. Discussion included: There was a general concensus that this was a good idea since the April Monthly meeting always coincides with the South Eastern Rendezvous and a lot of our regular member are not in attendance at that time. The month of January through March are just as busy. There was a brief discussion of moving the meeting and the voting to the club rendezvous in Feburary, since there are usually a lot of members present. This was not generally believed to be a good idea. The discussion then turned back to the month of December; the term of office for current officers would last from April 2006 until December 2007. In December 2007 we will rotate out two board members and the regular slate of officers. This will also enable Dave, club treasurer, to file the corporate reports and slate of new officers at the end of the year closer to the time when he receives the paper work, rather than having to waiting for 4 months to do that. Changing the date will require a change to the current by laws. Jackie read the two passages tin the bylaws that apply. Since a quorum of 20 people are required to change the bylaws at a regular club meeting, and we did not meet this requirement, we are required by corporate law to announce to all club members that we will make this vote at a future club meeting, the date time and location must be stated in the announcement. Dave will post our intent in the next news letter, which is electronically sent to members, posted on the web and mailed to the members who do not have email. He will announce a scheduled vote for the first meeting following the posting of the news letter allowing for a 30 day lead time. We will continue to announce our intent at each monthly meeting until the date and time of the meeting in which we take the vote.

 Jackie Shaffer made a motion that since the club voted in 4 new members of the board this year and since we usually rotate them out two per year that the current members will be rotated as follows the names of the four members will be place in alphabetical order by last name. The two who come first alphabetically will be replaced in 2007 and the two remaining will change office in 2008. The motion was seconded.  There was no discussion.  A vote was unanimous, with one descender and carried as proposed.
CHANGE TO CLUB RULES: Motion to change club dues to $35 per year was made,  2nd,  discussed and carried by club members.

      Dues are still payable not later than April 30th of each year and are considered late after May 1st.  Dues not paid by June 1st shall accrue a $10 late fee.

 TARGETS:  Dave I asked about purchasing new targets.  Targets were to be inventoried at Sunday’s shoot (May 7).

 HAWK: There was a short discussion initiated by William about how to use the hawk purchased from Edgar.  No decision was made at this time.

 Meeting was adjourned by President, Dave I.

Cathy Morris