JLR June 2004 minutes (draft)

The meeting was called to order at 7:18.

Roll call:  Charlie, Pat, William, Wils, Kathryn, Jan, Gary, Bobby G., Jamie, Denise, Terry, Bob P., Jim D., Ron D., Johnnie, Lori, Duane, Hannah, Dave I.

Approval of minutes:  postponed till next meeting

Reports:  Pres. – no report.  Johnnie reported that Jackie has pneumonia.

                V.Pres. – no report, shooting report attached

                 Secy. – no report

                 Treas. – no report

Old Business:

Charlie has the new t-shirts if anyone wants to purchase one - $15.

Northeastern – Charlie has registration forms if anyone needs one.  William brought up about having a raffle at the event as a fundraiser.  Charlie made a motion that the club allot William $500 to purchase items for a raffle. Johnnie seconded it.  All approved.

05 Southeastern:  Charlie has applications if anyone needs one.  Charlie gave a report about the site.  We only have access to property one week before the voo.  William mentioned that there will be no time to build anything there, that everything that needs to be built ahead of time.  Cleanup after the voo was discussed – not much time to clean up after voo – needs to be done asap.  Gary needs to purchase some wood for the hooter he is constructing for the shoot site.  Duane told him to purchase what he needed and turn in the receipt to Dave Anderson.

JLR website:  Members brought up that Bobby Guris is doing a great job with the website, that it is all updated.  Thanks go to him for taking this on.

New Business:

The shoot is June 13, Sunday.  There will be a workday that morning starting at 9:00.  Targets need to be gotten out of the slough.

July club meeting will be July 1.  Next club shoot will be July 11.  Charlie mentioned that some of the club members will not be present at the July shoot due to the NE.  Duane and Charlie will not be there so someone will have to replace them, doing the scoring, and setting up the archery targets.  This will be brought up at the July meeting.

Jan volunteered to do clean up and haul off the trash.

The meeting adjourned at 7:51.