JLR  January 2004 minutes (draft)

Call to order:  The meeting was called to order at 4:12.

 Roll call:  Bill & Rita Lurvey & granddaughter Bobbie Jo, Kathryn, William, Dan, Jim DenBleyker,     

                  Bob Pryor, Ken Morris, Maria Harbin, Charlie, Pat, David Ikenberry, Jan, Lori, Duane

Introduction of guests - Andy Greene.  Heard about JLR through Ron Dod.  Pat will get him an


Approval of minutes :  postponed, due to Jackie’s absence.  Will be voted on at February meeting.

Reports:  President - no report (absent)

                 Vice President - no report

                 Secretary - no correspondence

                 Treasurer - no report (absent)

Old  Business:  Bob Pryor said Dave is supposed to be getting some supplies for black powder shooting.

                           Changing the club meetings back to the first Thursday of each month was discussed.        

                           Kathryn mentioned about possibly having them on a Friday evening.  It was decided to

                           table it until the February meeting, to get more input from active club members.

2004 Rendezvous:  Kathryn suggested William to be Segundo and everyone agreed.  Kathryn talked

                                about kid’s games, and will do as the need arises.  She is looking into getting music

                                and will report about that at next meeting.  Jim made motion to fund $200 for music

                                for the voo, and Jan seconded it.  All were in favor.  Kathryn said Deni will not be                               

                                able to do archery for the voo and the Ashe’s volunteered to take over.  Charlie and

                                Bob Pryor will do bp shooting, and will get together.  Kathryn suggested to change up

                                the food a bit and to use the oven that was built at the site to cook roasts this year,

                                possibly a ham and a beef or pork roast, maybe a turkey.  It was decided to let Jackie

                                and Johnny decide what to cook since they will be doing it.  William said the site

                                needed to be mowed, and the water tank needs to be filled.  Duane said he would

                                mow.  A discussion ensued about the dates for the club rendezvous.  Charlie said that

                                originally the voo was the last weekend of the month.  Kathryn asked that Pat check

                                the JLR website to make sure that the correct dates were listed.  Kathryn asked that

                                anyone who wants to donate prizes for the voo to get them to her asap.  William said

                                that he had got several prizes at the Eastern.  Rita volunteered to buy some prizes at

                                Alafia.  A motion was made to give Rita $100 to buy prizes for the club rendezvous at
Alafia.  Charlie seconded it, all were in favor. William found a pistol for the big

                                prize for the voo for $650.  Jan made a motion to buy the pistol, and Duane

                                seconded it.  All were in favor.  William brought up that he had bought a very early

                                Bowie knife from Edgar, and he would be willing to sell it to the club for another big

                                prize.  Jan made a motion for the club to buy the knife for $200 and Jim D.

                                seconded it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Shooting report:   Charlie gave report.  Winners for December

                                                                  Blackpowder  1st William  2nd Dave A.  3rd Brianna

                                                                  Archery  1st   Dave A.   2nd Linda     3rd   Wills

                                                                  Hawk      1st  William    2nd Dave A.    3rd Dan

                               4th Quarter winners  William (black powder)    Wills (Archery)    William (Hawk)

Charlie tried to explain the scoring system, and told who was eligible to compete in shoot-off in January. 

The shooting report is attached. Charlie reported that  Dave made a suggestion that instead of having the annual shoot in January, that it be held at the club rendezvous in February.  Members would like to discuss this again at the Feb. meeting, and vote on it at the Feb. meeting.  William will provide grill for lunch for Jan. shoot, Charlie will buy food. 

Trade Faire:  Kathryn said that club members who wanted to set up their tent the weekend before could

                       do so as long as they get in touch with her or William.  Rita volunteered to hand out flyers

                       about the trade faire at Publix.  Kathryn has trade faire flyers.

A discussion started about keeping a grill at the shoot site.  William has one to give to the club, that he just needs some help getting it to the site.


The meeting adjourned at 5:10.